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Resources & Info You Can Use


Ransomeware crimes are growing, and not just for big box stores and big cities.  


Read this report to learn how your healthcare clinic can be affected, and what you can do about it. 


Prevent your organization from becoming the next victim of an attack.

Should you have the Fox watch the Hen House?

What happens when the IT firm you have outsourced your day-to-day IT to is the specialist who helps you conduct your regular Security Risk Assessment (SRA)?  


Is this too much like having the Fox watch the Hen House? Maybe so.


Find out by reading this report.

IT Emergency Preparedness

What is IT Emergency Preparedness? Aren't your Emergency Plan & Business Continuity Plan enough?


Well, maybe not, especially if these plans don't already focus on the administrative, technical and physical aspects of IT in your emergency plan.


Learn what you can do to ensure your organization is truly protected.

Top Ten Excuses regarding Cyber Security

Is improving Cyber Security one of those tasks on your "To Do" list that never seems to get to the top of the list? What's your excuse for not making Cyber Security a priority?


Find out what others use as excuses, and why any excuse is a bad one.


Learn why Cyber Security is key, and how you can make your organization secure.

Recovery and Resilience in

COVID-19 has accelerated the need for healthcare transformation. As we look towards recovery, we need to build resilience, because this won't be the last "black swan" event our healthcare system faces. 


Digital health capabilities can help build this recovery and resilience, especially for providers serving the underserved.

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Ransomware isn't going anywhere, except up. Attacks were up 400% in 2020 and smaller organizations are becoming the main targets.


Remote workforces likely only increase the risk due to reliance on home technology and phishing tends to be more successful in a crisis. 


Learn more to protect your organization.

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Traditionally, providers serving the underserved have not prioritized cyber security. Overall, healthcare is the #1 attacked industry. 


Under investment in security will eventually be very costly. Pay attention now, or you will very likely pay dearly later. 


Learn more about the importance of cyber security.

HTAA Weaponizing Coronavirus to Infect H

Weaponizing Coronavirus to Infect Health IT Systems


As clinics, home health care, and hospitals prepare for the novel Coronavirus, threat actors are using this crisis to prey on fears and urgency with phishing attacks, malware and ransomware.


Learn more about this new risk and what can be done to reduce your IT risk. 

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Home Health Care: HIPAA & Cyber Risks


Home health care faces unique HIPAA HITECH compliance and cybersecurity challenges with rising demand, staff turnover and shortages, lack of training, and staff working remotely in homes.


Learn more about these risks and what can be done to reduce them. 

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The Value of an Independent SRA


What is an Independent SRA, and why does it matter? Find out why an independent SRA is the best way to get an unbiased, objective, and clear picture of what makes your organization vulnerable

and how to fix it. Download our article below.

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Worried you won't be ready for your CMS or OCR audit?  Wondering how you can HITRUST, COBIT or EHNAC certified? Find out why our Pre-Audit Services are the best way to get prepared to pass with flying colors.


Our 35 years of expertise in IT, auditing, healthcare and regulatory compliance makes the difference. Download our Pre-Audit Services Guide below.

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Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and not just for the big companies. Healthcare is the #1 target of cybercriminals.


Don't be the next victim--read about Ransomware and learn how you can protect your clinic.

Download our article today below.

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Want to know more about ransomware? Our E-Book lays out the challenges and what you can do about them.  


Easy reading about one of the most challenging cyber crimes confronting clinics. Get the info you need to avoid being a victim today.

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Do you think that cyber crimes won't impact your clinic? Or think that your security measures will be enough? 


Find out what we know about the Top Excuses we have heard from clinics like yours, and why ignoring cyber security is so dangerous.

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Our E-Book with everything you need to know about PHI gives you a primer to help you protect your patient's privacy and security.


Prevent security breaches and arm yourself with the knowledge you need. Get out report below.

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